How to Participate
Get ready for the 2016 Elections! Participating in Vote & Vax is easy and rewarding. Vote & Vax is a great opportunity to increase your community’s awareness of the importance and role of its public health providers. It is also a way to let your community know that its local provider is a friendly, responsive and effective organization.
- Learn more about participating by downloading a free copy of our resource guide, Setting Up a Successful Clinic resource guide. The guide includes a Letter of Agreement that every provider needs to return in order to participate in Vote & Vax. The Letter must be signed by your local election authority if you host and/or promote your Vote & Vax clinic onsite at the polling location. Otherwise, it can be signed by your provider organization. View a presentation to learn more about the Vote & Vax project.
- Select the local polling places (or nearby locations) at which you would like to launch a Vote & Vax clinic onsite or nearby.
- Fax the completed and signed appropriate Letter of Agreement to Vote & Vax at (617) 796-7964.
- Gain access to additional online resources from Vote & Vax, including a comprehensive marketing toolkit as well as additional technical assistance information.
- Plan your clinics and count on us for assistance.
- Protect your community from the flu on Election Day!
Downloadable Resources
Click on Image to Download